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Todas las traducciones - ozg66

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Idioma de origen
Inglés steam cured precast concrete
The quality of a steam cured precast concrete is affected by curing time and temperature variables. Steam curing might cause micro-cracks along the interface of aggregate and cement paste. It has been reported that the strength of concrete by steam curing could decrease in later stages such as 28 days or 90 days, while compared with concrete cured in air or in water.

Traducciones completadas
Turco Buharla iyileÅŸtirme
Idioma de origen
Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"
Inglés I don't be angry without reasons. Do ...
I don't be angry without reasons. Do you know what makes me angry with you?? when you ignore me, my messages. when you want me you can find me but when I want you, you are not here. I am not angry with your work or with you being busy. but angry with your heart being busy and forget me.

Traducciones completadas
Turco Ben nedensiz sinirlenmem.